ACT ONE Scene Two

3个月前 作者: 莎士比亚
    [Another street Enter OTHELLO, IAGO, and Attendant with torches]


    Though in the trade of warI have in men,

    Yet do Ihold it very stuff o’the conscience

    Todo no contrivedmurder:ck iniquity

    Sometimes to do me service:nine or ten times

    I had thought to have yerk’ d him here under the ribs


    ‘Tis better as it is.


    Nay, but he prated,

    And spoke such scurvy and provoking terms

    Against your honour

    That, with the little godlinessI have,

    I did full hard for bearhim. But, Ipray you, sir,

    Are you fast married? Be assured of this,

    That the magnificois much beloved,

    And hath inhiseffect a voicepotential

    As double as the duke’s: he will divorce you;

    Or put upon youwhat restraint and grievance

    Thew, with all his might to enforce it on,

    Will give him cable


    Let him do his spite:

    My services whichI havedone the signiory

    Shall out-tongue hisints. ‘Tis yet to know,——

    Which, whenI know that boasting is an honour,

    I shall promulgate——I fetch my life and being

    From men of royal siege, and my demerits

    May speak unboed to as proud afortune

    As this thatI have reach’d: for know, Iago,

    But thatI love the gentle Desdemona,

    I would not my unhoused free condition

    Put into circumscriptionand confine

    For thesea’s worth. But, look!what lightse yond?


    Those are the raised father and his friends:

    You were best go in.


    Not I


    My parts, my title and my perfect soul

    Shall manifestme rightly. Is it they?


    By Janus, Ithink no.

    [Enter CASSIO, and certain Officerswith torches]


    The servants of the duke, and my lieutenant.

    The goodness of the night upon you, friends!

    What is the news?


    The duke does greet you, general,

    And he requires your haste-post- hasteappearance,

    Even on the instant.


    What is the matter, thinkyou?


    Something from Cyprus as I may divine:

    It is a business of some heat: the galleys

    Have sent a dozen sequent messengers

    This very night at one another’ s heels,

    And many of the consuls,raised and met,

    Are at the duke’s already:you have been

    hotly call’d for;

    When,being not at yourlodgingto be found,

    The senatehath sent about three several guests

    To search you out.


    ‘Tis well Iam foundvy you.

    I will butspend a word here in the house,




    Ancient, what makes he here?


    Faith, he to-night hath boardedand carack:

    If it provewful prize, he’s made for ever.


    I do not understand.


    He’s married


    To who?



    Marry, to——Come, captain, will you go?


    Have with you.


    Herees another troop to seek for you.


    It is Brabantio General, be advised;

    Hees to bad intent

    [Enter BRABANTIO, RODERIGO, and Officers with torches and weapons]


    Ho!stand there!


    Signior, it is the Moor.


    Down with him, thief!

    [They draw on both sides]


    You,Roderigoe,sir,Iam for you.


    Keep up your bright swords, for the dewwill rust them,

    Good signior,you shall moremand with years

    Than with your weapons.


    O thou foul thief,where hast thou stow’dmy daughter?


    For I’ll refer me to all things of sense,

    If she in chains of magic were not bound,

    Whether a maid so tender, fair and happy,

    So opposite to marriage that she shunned

    The wealthy curled darlings of our nation,

    Would everhave, to incur ageneral mock,

    Run from herguardageto thesootybosom

    Of such a thingas thou, to fear,not to delight.

    Judge me theworld, if’tisnotgrossin sense

    That thou hast practised on her with foul charms,

    Abused her delicate youthwith drugsor minerals

    That weaken motion:I’ll have’t disputedon;

    ‘Tis probable and palpable

    I therefore apprehend and do attach thee

    For an abuserof the world, a practiser

    Of arts inhibited and out of warrant.

    Lay holduponhim:ifhedoresist,

    Subdue him at his peril.


    Hold your hands,

    Both you of my inclining,and the rest:


    Without a prompter. Where will youthatI go

    To answer this your charge?



    Owandcourse ofdirectsession

    Call thee to answer


    What ifI do obey?

    How may the duke be therewithsatisfied,

    Whose messengers are here about my side,

    Upon some present business of the state

    Tobring me to him?

    First Officer

    ‘Tis true,most worthy signior;

    The duke’s in council and your noble self,

    I am sure,issentfor.


    How! the duke in council!

    In this time of the night!Bring him away:

    Mine’s not an idlecause:the duke himself,

    Or any of my brothers of the state,

    Cannot but feel this wrong as’twere their own;

    For if such actions may havepassage free,

    Bond-vesand pagansshall our statesmenbe
