
3个月前 作者: 朱光潜
    BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX Indicated in the text with arabic numerals in brackets


    1. History of Herodotus,English Trantion by G. Rawlingson(1862),Vol. Ⅳ,p.38.

    2. Saint Augustine:Confessions,English Trantion by E. B. Pusy(1907). Bk. Ⅲ,§ Ⅱ.

    3. James Sully:An Essay on Laughter(1902),p.18.

    4. Clive Bell:Art(1914),Chapter Ⅰ,§ Ⅰ.


    1. Kant:Critique of Judgment,Bk. Ⅰ,§ 2;English Trantion given by Carritt in Philosophies of Beauty (1931),p.110.

    2. B. Croce:A Breviary of Aesthetics(1913),English Trantion in Philosophies of Beaty(see note Ⅰ above),pp.233-243.

    3. Münsterberg:Principles of Art Education(1905),pp.19-20.

    4. Schopenhauer:The world as Will and Idea(see Chap. Ⅷ below),Bk. Ⅲ, § 34.

    5. Lipps:Aesthetische Einfühlung,passages tranted by Carritt in Philosophies of Beauty,pp.252-258.

    6. K. Gross:The y of Man,English Trantion by Baldwin,pp.322-333.

    7. Lotze:Mikrokosmus,Bk. Ⅰ,Chap.2,Quoted by Vernon Lee in Beauty and Ugliness(1911),pp.17-18.

    8. For Formalistic Aesthetics see the following:

    (Ⅰ)Kant:Critique of Aesthetic Judgment,English Trantion by J. C. Meredith.

    (Ⅱ)Croce:Aesthetic,English Trantion by D. Ainslie(1922).

    (Ⅲ)V. Basch:Essai critique sur l’esthétique de Kant(1927);and Le Maitre problème de l’esthétique,Revue Philosophique,Juillet,1921.

    (Ⅳ)Clive Bell:Art(1914).

    (Ⅴ)Roger Fry:Vision ad Design(1930).

    9. J. Hytler:Le isir Poétique(Thèse,Lyon,1923).

    10. Cf. A. B. Walkley:A new theatrical adventure started with’King Lear’,reprinted in J. Agates’ English Dramatic Critics(1932),p.271.

    11. H. Dcroix:Psychologie de l’ Art(1927),p.27.

    12. E. Bullough:Psychical Distance as a Factor in Art,British Journal of Psychology,Vol. Ⅴ,(1912).

    13. Dcroix:Psychologie de l’Art,p.86.

    14. For the problem of Prose Tragedy see the following:

    (Ⅰ)F. L. Lucas:Tragedy(1928),Chap. Ⅵ.

    (Ⅱ)Ardyle Nicoll:The Theory of Drama (1931),Chap. Ⅱ,§ 3.

    (Ⅲ)G. Santayana:The Sense of Beauty (1905),pp.226-238.


    1. Lucretius:De Rerum Natura,Bk. Ⅱ,Verse 1-2.

    2. Santayana:The Sense of Beauty,p.236.

    Cf. Addison:The Spectator,No.418.

    3. Cf. A. Nicoll:The Theory of Drama,p.136.

    4. Herckenrath:Cours de 1’esthétique,Quoted by Faguet(see below).

    5. E. Faguet:Drame Ancien,Drame Moderne(1898),p.1-25.

    6. A. Bain:The Emotions and the will(1859),p.195.

    7. Bergson:Le Rire(1924),pp.160-174.

    8. S. Johnson:Preface to Shakespeare’s King Lear,reprinted in A. Nicoll’s Shakespeare Criticism,(1916),p.137.

    9. Bradley:Shakespearean Tragedy(1905),p.252.


    1. Burke:Inquiry into the Origin of our Idea of the Sublime and the Beautiful(1756),§ 14-15.

    2. Saint-Mare-Giradin:Cours de littérature dramatique (1874),Tom Ⅰ,p.1-2.

    3. Schopenhauer:The world as will and Idea,Bk. Ⅲ § 34.

    4. Diderot:Paradoxe sur leédidien;Oeuvres ohoisis (Larousse),p.144.

    5. Langfeld:The Aesthetic Attitude(1928),Chap. Ⅲ.

    6. Downey:Creative Imagination(1929),p.181.

    7. Maller Freienfels:Psychologie der Kunst(1922),Vol. Ⅰ,p.66.

    8. Downey:Creative Imagination,p.181.

    9. ubert:Correspondance(1850-1854),Tom Ⅱ,pp.358-359.

    10. Maller Freienfels:Psychologie der Kunst,Vol. Ⅰ,p.67.

    11. Gsell:Le Thé?tre,p.29.

    12. Sarah Bernhardt:Mémoires,Tom Ⅱ,p.106.

    13. Legouvé:Soixante ans de Souvenirs. Tom Ⅰ,p.243 et seq.

    14. P. Fitzgerald:Life of David Garrick,(1868),Vol. Ⅱ,p.54.

    15. Diderot:Paradoxe sur leédien(see No. 4 above),p.153.

    16. Eneyelopedia Britanica,14th edition,Article on“Acting”.

    17. Shakespeare:Hamlet,Act III,Sc. II.

    18. Eugéne Dcroix:Journl(1893-1895),Tom I,p.247.


    1. to:Republic,Bk X. English Trantion by Je-wett(1892),pp.318-322.

    2. Aristotle:Poetics,Chap. VI,English Trantion by Butcher,p.23.

    3. For the discussion of Pity and Fear in Tragedy see the following:

    (Ⅰ)Corneille:Discours sur Tragédie.

    (Ⅱ)Lessing:Hambarg Dramaturgie(1967-1968),No.48.

    (Ⅲ)E. Egger:Histoire de critic chez les grecs(1886),p.296.

    (Ⅳ)Butcher:Aristotle’s Theory of Poetry and Fine Art,pp.240-273.

    (Ⅴ)Bywater:Aristotle on the Art of Poetry Com-mentary(1909),pp.210213.

    4. to:Repulic,Bk. X,especially § 605-606.

    5. Bergson:Les donées immédiates de conscience(1913),pp.14-15.

    6. D?ring,Quoted by Bywater(see above),p.212.

    7. A. Nicoll:The Theory of Drama,p.120.

    8. Guyau:Problèmes de l’ esthétique contemporaine(1925),p.47.

    9. Livingstone:Article on Literature in The Legacy of Greece.

    10. Bradley:Oxford Lectures on Poetry(1909),The Sublime,pp.37-65.

    11. Kant:Critique of Judgment,Bk. I,§ 23.

    12. Johnson:Preface to Shakespeare(see No.8 under Chap. Ⅱ,above),p.96.

    13. Meile Dixon:Tragedy(1925),p.73.


    1. Aristotle:Poetics,Chap. Ⅻ,Butcher’s Trantion.

    2. Bywater:Aristotle on the Art of Poetry,Commentary,p.214.

    3. Corneille:Discours sur le Po?me dramatique,Oeuvresplètes,Edition de Lahure,Tom V,p.327.

    4. Scthiller:Aesthetical Essays,Bohn’s Library,p.251.

    5. Agamemnon,1. 1562.

    6. Choephore,Augusta Webster’s Trantion,1. 676.

    7. Antigone,1. 920.

    8. Egger:Histoire de Critique chez les Grècs,p.302.

    9. Johnson Preface to Shakespeare(see No.8,Chap. Ⅲ,above),pp.102-103.

    10. Gervinus:Shakespeare,Quoted by J. S. Smart(see No 12 below).

    11. J. S. Smart:Tragedy,English Association Essays,Vol. Ⅷ,1922,pp.

    12. Ibsen:Ghosts,Act Ⅱ,English Trantion by R. F. Sharp.


    1. Hegel:Philosophie of Art,English Trantion by Osmaston(1916),Vol. Ⅳ,Section on Tragedy.

    2. Meile Dixon:Tragedy,p.160.

    3. Eckermann:Conversations with Goethe,28 March,1827.

    4. Bradley:Oxford Lectures on Poetry,Lecture on Hegel’s Theory of Tragedy,(Henceforward abbreviated as Oxf. Lect.).

    5. Bradley:Shakespearean Tragedy(Henceforward abbreviated as Sh. Trag.).

    6. Oxf. Lect.,p.86.

    7. Oxf. Lect.,pp.87-88.

    8. Sh. Trag.,p.19.

    9. Sh. Trag.,p.34.

    10. Sh. Trag.,pp.25-39.

    11. Sh. Trag.,pp.31-32.

    12. Oxf. Lect.,p.32.

    13. Sh. Trag.,p.29.

    14. Oxf. Lect.,p.82.

    15. Sh. Trag.,p.84,p.198,pp.322-326.

    16. Sh. Trag.,p.147-148.

    17. Sh. Trag.,p.241-242.

    18. Verity’s Edition of Hamlet,Notes,p.213.

    19. Sh. Trag.,p.278,foot-note;

    20. Sh. Trag.,p.324.

    21. Sh. Trag.,pp.324-325.


    1. Schopenhauer:The World as Will and Idea,English Trantion by R. B. Haldane and J. Kemp(1883),Bk. Ⅲ,§ 33-34.

    2. Ibid,Bk. Ⅲ,§ 38.

    3. Ibid,Bk. Ⅲ,§ 34.

    4. Ibid,Bk. Ⅳ,§ 68.

    5. IbId,Bk. Ⅲ,§ 51.

    6. Carrit:Theory of Beauty(1928),pp.122-123.

    7. The World as Will ect.;Bk. Ⅲ,§ 51.

    8. Odyssey, Bk. Ⅺ,1.484.

    9. Antigone,1.8.

    10. Iphigenia at Aulis,11.1211-1252.

    11. The World as will etc,Bk. Ⅳ,§ 68.

    12. Nietzsche:The Birth of Tragedy,English Trantion by Oscar Levy(1909),Introduction,p. XXV.

    13. Ibid. p.46.

    14. Ibid,p.51.

    15. Ibid,p.44.

    16. Ibid,p.46.

    17. Ibid,p. XXV.

    18. Ibid,p.128,(Carritt’s trantion in Philosophies of Beauty is here given,for it is more intelligible than Levy’s).


    1. Quoted by B. Croce in European Literature in the 19th Century,D. Ainslie’s Trantion,p.120.

    2. Heine:Brief aus Paris,No.44.

    3. Schucking:Characters and Problems in Shakespeare’s Tragedy,George Harrap,1922,pp.157-167.

    4. Magnus:Dictionary of Modern European Literature,1926,Art. on Death.

    5. Jeremy Bentham:Principles of Morals and Legition,Chap. Ⅰ.

    6. W. MeDougall:Outlines of Psychology(1928),p.267.

    7. Wohlgemuth:Pleasure and Uapleasure Brit Journ of psyc Mono Suppl No Ⅵ.

    8. Freud:Totem and Taboo.

    9. Fontenelle:Réflexion sur Poetique(1678),§ 36.

    10. Hume:Essays:Tragody,(1757),pp.127-133.


    1. Aristotle:Poetics,Chap. Ⅵ,Butcher’s Trantion.

    2. Lessing:Hamberg Dramaturgie,No.48.

    3. Corneille:Discours sur Tragédie(see No.3,Chap. Ⅵ),p.338.

    4. Fontenelle:Réflexions sur poétique,§ 36.

    5. Aristotle:Politics,Bk. Ⅷ.

    6. Bywater:Aristotle on the Art of Poetry,p.155.

    7. Butcher:Aristotle Theory of Poetry,pp.253-254.

    8. McDougall:Outline of Psychology,p.325.

    9. Euripides:Medea,Ⅰ.190 et seq.

    10. Aucassin et Nicolette,Ⅰ,Ⅴ.10 et seq.

    11. Spenser:Fairie Queen,Bk. Ⅱ,I.46.

    12. Wordsworth,Imitation of Immortality.

    13. John Kebel:Essays,Historical and Critical.

    14. Byron:Letters,Quoted by Prescott,p.272.

    15. Butcher:Aristotle’s Theory of Poerty,p.246.

    16. Butcher:Aristotle’s Theory of Poetry,p.247.

    17. Carritt:Theory of Beauty,p.67.

    18. Prescott:The Poetic Mind(1922),pp.260-277.

    19. Baudouin:Psychanalyse de l’ art(1929),pp.200-208.

    20. Dixon:Tragedy,p.118.

    21. Freud:Art on Psychoanalysis in Ency. Brit.14th Edit.


    1. Abbé Dubos:Réflexions critiques sur po?sie et peinture,Quoted by Hume in Essay on Tragedy.

    2. A. W. Sedil;hlegel:Lectures on Dramatic art and Literature,English Trantion by J. ck(1902),pp.30-42.

    3. Calvin Thomas:Tragedy and the enjoyment of it,The Monist,(1914),no.3.

    4. Richards:Principles of Literary Criticism(1928),pp.245-248.

    5. Lipps:Passages Tranted by Carritt in Philosophies of Beauty,p.253.

    6. Lipps:Tragik,Trag?die und wissenschaftliche Kritik,Cf. Carritt:The Theory of Beauty,Chap. XI.

    7. Aristotle:Poetics,Chap. Ⅳ,Bywater’s Trantion,pp.9-11.

    8. F. L. Lucas:Tragedy,p.51 et seq.

    9. J. S. Smart:Tragedy,Essays of English Association,Vol. Ⅷ.

    10. Schlegel:Lectures on Dramatic Art,pp.66-69.


    1. Camboulin:Essai sur fatalité dans le théatre grec(1855),pp.5-10.

    2. Dixon:Tragedy,p.190.

    3. Dixon:Tragedy,p.66.

    4. Quoted by Green in Short History of the English People,p.21.

    5. Voltaire:Candide,(The end).

    6. Tchao-Chi-Kou-eul,French Trantion by Stanis,Julien,1834.

    7. Racine:Préface á I’Esther.

    8. S. Lévi:Le théatre indien,pp.32-34.

    9. H. H. Wilson:Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus(1835),Introduction,p. XXVI.

    10. Kalidasa:Sakuntalt,English Trantion by W. Jones.

    11. The Bible,Judges,Chap. Ⅱ.

    12. Lucian:Works,Dialogues,no. XLIII.

    13. Schlegel:Comparaison entre Phédre de Racine et celle d’Euripide(1807),p.83.

    14. Tragédie,La Grande Eneyclopédie,Vol.31.

    15. Dover Wilson:The Essential Shakespeare,p.9;p.118 et seq.

    16. E. Chambers:William Shakespeare,Vol. I,pp.85-86.


    1. G. Santayana:The Sense of Beauty,p.230.

    2. Cf. C. E. Montagne:The Delight of Tragedy,Antic Monthly,Sept.1926.