
3个月前 作者: 葛拉西安


    <h1>292.Let your personal qualities surpass those of your office</h1>

    Let your personal qualities surpass those of your office, do not let it be the other way about. However high the post, the person should be higher. An extensive capacity expands and dtes more and more as his office bes higher. On the other hand, the narrow-minded will easily lose heart ande to grief with diminished responsibilities and reputation. The great Augustus thought more of being a great man than a great prince. Here a lofty mind finds fit ce, and well-grounded confidence finds its opportunity.

    (1) 罗马帝国第一任皇帝,恺撒的甥孙及养子。当政时扩张疆土,美化罗马,招纳学者,并奠定了长达两个世纪的“罗马式和平”。