3个月前 作者: 托尔金
affray attack, assault
ambuscaded ced in ambuscade, ambushed
ardour burning heat (of breath)
argent silver or silvery-white
astonied earlier form of astonished
bested beset[also spelt bestead ]
blow bloom
boss raised centre of a shield
broidure embroidery
burg a walled town
byrnie coat of mail
car chariot
carle peasant or servant
chrysoprase a golden-green precious stone
conch shellfish used as a musical instrument or instrument of call
cravenhood cowardice[apparently unique here]
damascened etched or iid with gold or silver
descry catch sight of
diapered diamond-patterned
dight arrayed
drake dragon. Old English draca.
drolleries something amusing or funny
emprise enterprise
fain dly, willingly
fell (1) cruel, terrible (2) mountain
glistering sparkling
greave armour for the shin
hauberk defensive armour, long tunic of chain-mail
illfavoured having an unpleasant appearance, ugly
kirtle garment reaching to the knees or lower
leaguer/-ed nds]besiege/-d
lealty faithfulness, loyalty
let allowed (if asion let, let fashion)
mchite a green mineral
marges margins or edges
mattock two-headed agricultural tool
mead meadow
meshed entangled inextricably
sh ssh
plenished filled up
puissance power, strength, force
reck take thought of
rede counsel
repair go frequently to
repast food; meal, feast
rowan mountain ash
ruth sorrow, distress
sable ck
scathe harm
sojourned stayed
sward expanse of short grass
swart dark-hued
tarry/-ied linger/-ed
thrall/thralldom ve/very
twain two
vambrace armour for the fore-arm
weird fate
whin gorse
whortleberry bilberry
writhen twisted, arranged in coils